This patient used Invisalign to straighten teeth, followed by a Zoom whitening treatment.

Dr. Kohler has improved many North Shore patients’ smiles with this invisible alternative to traditional metal braces. Instead of a network of wires and brackets; the Invisalign® system uses a series of soft, comfortable aligners to realign crooked teeth gently. As a result, Invisalign® enables patients to have the straight, healthy-looking teeth they want without the discomfort, dietary restrictions, and embarrassment of old-fashioned metal braces.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Regarding the benefits, Invisalign offers a lot, including convenience, easy cleaning, fewer dental appointments, and surprisingly much more.

The Invisalign® Procedure

Dr. Kohler will use digital imaging to create a 3D image of your teeth. Then, he will determine how long your treatment will take by creating a mold. Since the aligners are essentially removable, you can eat and drink your favorites and brush and floss in a usual manner without experiencing any inconvenience. You will also save yourself from discomfort or pain and scraping against your tongue, cheeks, and gums. Thanks to Invisa ign.

A new set of aligners will be produced every two or three weeks to continue the straightening process gently. Patients will use from six to 30 aligners, depending on the degree of correction required.

We invite you to call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig S. Kohler. Learn more about outstanding service and treatment in Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenilworth, and the Chicago areas, including Northshore, Highland Park, Glencoe, and Glenview, Illinois.